Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I get HIGH with a little help from my mom!

While the men worked on ugly nook project, Mom and I worked on stripping the ugly brown paint off the beadboard in the hall bathroom. The people who lived here before us thought ugly dark brown was a good color to paint perfectly nice WHITE beadboard. Getting that paint off was an experience--to say the least! I can now say that I have been high. LOL The fumes from the paint stripper were so intense and I made the mistake of working in the small bathroom with no mask. We were laughing hysterically and drooling on ourselves within 30 minutes. It was crazy! We eventually did get masks but I think by then it was too late; the fumes had taken over! We got a large portion of the paint off but after that experience, I let Aaron finish that job. I had a killer headache for the next couple of days that I'm pretty sure was brought on by my paint stripper high!

In this room we changed the light fixture, stripped and repainted the bead board, and painted all of the trim a nice bright white.  The wall color is "Celtic Blue" from Behr.

BEFORE pics:

AFTER pics:

I love how calm the light blue/white combination is!


the beginning...